New York

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What is Localization? How to Create a Strategy for Content Localization?

Localization is a powerful approach that allows you to enter new markets in a scalable, manageable, and sustainable manner. Most people view localization and translation as interchangeable terms; however, they are not.

Translation is only a small part of the overall project. Localization, on the other hand, refers to the linguistic focus of the entire strategy that aims to adapt content to a specific locale or market. Apart from translation, you need to consider several other components, such as intersystem operability, cultural mismatches, and aesthetic choices.

Though localization helps businesses expand and reach bigger target audiences or more clients, a poor content localization strategy might not let you connect with consumers on a personal level. That’s why, when it comes to effective content localization, you need the assistance of localization service experts.

This post will help you get an overview of the localization strategy to ensure a high-performing foreign language website.

Determine and Analyze Target Audience

The first step is to narrow down the markets you want to penetrate. If you don’t have any idea which countries or cities you should target, you can take a look at your website analytics to find out from which part of the country or world your website is generating high traffic. You can also study consumer behaviors and preferences to determine what kind of local brand strategy will work well.

Know the Technical Aspects of Localization

Time differences, currencies, punctuation rules, and digital payment options – all these things often differ when you tap into a new market. For enhanced user experience, you will also need to pay attention to the website layout and content placement. Thus, when creating or modifying your website for a local market, you will need to consider all these aspects.

Consult Localization Service Experts

When it comes to content localization, there is no better option than getting professional help. You must reach out to localization service experts to produce relevant content. When it comes to conveying your message in a new market, you don’t just need to translate it but you need to make sure that it is meaningful and not offensive to your new target audience.

Let’s understand it with a few big brand translation and localization mistakes.

American Motors made a big mistake in the 1970s when it tried to launch a car called the Matador in Puerto Rico. Even though Matador symbolizes virility and excitement in some markets, the word is translated as “killer” in Puerto Rican language.

When the brand name “Coca Cola” was first marketed in China, it was sometimes translated as “Bite The Wax Tadpole”.

Similarly, KFC offended Chinese consumers when it marketed the slogan “Finger Lickin’ Good” which was translated as “eat your fingers off”.

In short, content needs to be localized, not just translated to ensure that it conveys correct and sensible meaning.

Localize Your Website Content

Once you know all the important factors of content localization, you need to step into the localization of your website content. Make your slogans relevant, add persuasive CTAs, and keep the website navigation easy. For that, you can provide your consumers with an option to change the language so that they can browse your website freely. Creating a multilingual website is one of the top trends in today’s digital marketing world. It will help your website to attract global traffic.

Semantics has localized content for various big clients, including Amazon, Haier, Apollo, Thomson Reuters, and Bosch. That means our professionals are genuine and competent localization service experts and can help you tap into foreign local markets with confidence. If you’ve got any questions, please connect with us anytime you want. We are always happy to help.

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