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Top 3 Reasons to Avoid Non-professional Business Translations at All Costs

It’s not uncommon to see inept translated texts or images on social media, presentations, videos with subtitles, and even in comedy segments in television shows. While it seems, undoubtedly, hilarious when certain words are translated into a different language that doesn’t imply the word’s actual definition, you won’t find it laughable if it happens to affect your business negatively. You might not have realized it yet but bad translations come with severe consequences.

Do you want to know why unauthentic translations are bad for your business? Why online translation tools aren’t enough for your business? Let’s walk you through what amateur translations can do to your business.

Why Amateur Translations Must Be Avoided for Businesses at All Costs?

For many business owners or self-employed professionals, hiring professional business translation services is, usually, an afterthought. A significant number of professionals are now translating content by using machine translation software that often produces inconsistent and inaccurate results.

Still, what businesspeople don’t realize is that:

Amateur Translation Affects the Brand Image

When you are in the world of business, bad translation can quickly go beyond funny jokes as it often leads to massive humiliation, business failure, or malpractice. Once the news of bad translation spreads like wildfire, your existing clients will also feel uncomfortable working with a business that doesn’t respect other people’s culture. Plus, you will give your potential clients a solid reason to look elsewhere.

Unauthentic Translated Text Makes a Business Look Unprofessional and Incompetent

When you engage with a foreign company, presenting yourself and your company the best way is your priority. Making mistakes when dealing with foreign clients and customers makes it nearly impossible to gain their trust again.

The best way to make a positive image of your brand and build a foundation for trust is to make sure that all your documents, presentations, and other related materials, including videos with subtitles, are properly prepared and translated.

Otherwise, your company or you as a professional will be deemed utterly unprofessional and incompetent.

Improper Translations Can Cause Conflict with the Law

Making mistakes when doing business, especially when preparing a client’s or customer’s contract can get you in conflict with the law. Lousy translations are often misleading and can provide damaging information. They can even lead to increased expenses as you might have to compensate the other party with a significant amount during settlements. Thus, you cannot trust translations provided by an amateur or a machine translation tool.

If Google Translate or other machine translation software were so capable of providing accurate and meaningful translated content, then a multi-billion dollar translation industry would not exist. If amateurs were so good at providing trustworthy translations, then there wouldn’t be professional business translators. There’s a reason why some brands are doing remarkably well in foreign markets and why some are even finding it difficult to build a presence in a different market.

Meaningful and accurate translations, localization, subtitling, and interpretations play a big role in the success of businesses that expand internationally. So, when you need translated contracts, user manuals, presentations, or any other type of content, think again if the thought of using a machine or amateur translation crosses your mind.

Semantics is a highly esteemed global translation agency that brings the expertise of professional translators to you with just a few clicks. Whether you need 100% authentic translation for business communication, brochure, advertising material, catalog, research documents, or any other content, you can trust our professional business translation services. Plus, we offer various other services, including interpretation, voice-over, and subtitling. So, consider Semantics your one-stop solution for all professional translation needs.

For any assistance with business translation or getting your questions answered, please get in touch with us @ +91-6389682811 / 12 / 14 or send us an email at

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