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What are the Different Ways to Transcribe a Video?

Video usage on websites and business pages is an efficient method to boost exposure and increase sales. However, take this marketing strategy one step further by adding captions to your business videos. Transcribing video content before uploading it to a platform increases coverage further.

Today, there are several video transcription services available. Choose a suitable option to transcribe videos in order to increase coverage and sales.

Significance of Video Transcription

The transcript of a video can be presented in two ways: either as captions to accompany the video or as textual content on the web page. Both serve a purpose and help give the content more exposure. Here are some facts that illustrate video transcription’s importance.

  • Adding captions or transcriptions to a video’s web page increases viewing chances by 40%
  • Videos with captions on YouTube have a 7.32% higher view rate than videos without it.
  • Also, videos with captions have an increase in search probability of 6.68%.

Thus, your business should transcribe videos before you upload them for a more positive outcome.

How to Transcribe a Video?

There are several ways to build and boost productivity by transcribing a video. Here are a few of them:

1. DIY Approach

If you want to transcribe a video yourself, the first step is to learn the basics of transcription, including the dos and don’ts. Once you master these, you can manually transcribe the video yourself.

Generally, when a video contains sensitive information, a content creator chooses to do the transcription themselves to protect the privacy of the footage. However, this option can be tedious and time-consuming.

Transcripts can take days if you’re not experienced, and it is counterproductive when transcriptions are required urgently. And since you lack transcription knowledge, the quality of the transcript may also suffer.

2. Automated Captions

This option is best suited to those who upload content to YouTube. It is a free and easy way for content creators to add captions to their videos. Since it is automatic, it takes only a few minutes to transcribe.

However, transcription accuracy is highly dependent on video quality. It ranges between 40% and 60%. Background noise, accents, and other factors can affect transcription quality and accuracy.

Generally, this option provides satisfactory results in controlled environments. But when a video has a noisy background or poor audio pick-up, the transcription will be less accurate.

3. Transcription by Experts

While some companies use machine transcription, others employ professional transcriptionists to transcribe videos. Unlike machine transcription, expert transcriptionists can capture the dialogue between multiple speakers and the subtleties of a language.

Experts like Semantics provides customers with high-quality transcripts on time and with exceptional customer service. Transcripts from Semantics are of the highest quality. The prices are highly competitive and affordable, and the company’s transcriptionists are well versed with multiple industries’ requirements.

A video can be transcribed in several ways, and some of them are more effective than others. However, if you want an accurate transcription, you should look for reputable video transcription services like Semantics.

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